Misrepresentation of the Tea Party Movement
In today’s society the majority of our people have forgotten the idea behind what a Tea Party Movement was suppose to accomplish and what its true meaning was.
New Government rules and regulations along with new taxes and laws have fueled the past fires of freedom. Recently groups of people have remembered what it means to be a free American and those who have made that happen by repeating history’s greatest movement of all The Tea Party.This repeat has in turn caused a great conflict in our society’s eyes. Some believe they are radical groups just trying to cause riots and uproars in a time of economic hardship. Which in fact my friends they are not at all doing, but are only doing what our previous, now greatly honored, ancestors believed was their own right as American citizens.
Let us take a look back into the past at the original Tea Party movement, The Boston Tea Party.
In 1773 the British Parliament passed a Tea tax on the American colonist. Bothered by the fact that such an act could be allowed by a government and not their own local representatives, the colonist, feeling their civil rights had been violated took action. On December 16th 1773 after officials did not return 3 ships full of tea to Britain colonist took matters into their own hands and boarded these ships and managed to overthrow the ship’s cargo into the Boston, Massachusetts Harbor.
In response to this protest, British authorities then established another law on the colonist, which was the coercive act of 1774. Colonist then responded to this by more protest and in the end these disputes resulted in the American Revolutionary War.
Some say history repeats itself. I do believe this is true and happening now, but we the people are living with our eyes closed. Although the past tea party was a result of a government trying to gain control over American colonists, it is not much different from our people today protesting against our own government. We are just in the beginning stages of the process.
A repeat of this great movement is sure to come, although it will be a little different as far as the reasoning behind the protest, but still the same idea. It will of course not cause a revolutionary war, but something along the same lines of a new Civil War.
Knowledge is power, with power comes a strong voice. We the American people need to indulge ourselves in gaining the knowledge of the political issues involving our government and join together as one voice to protect those liberties and freedoms America as a whole is known for.